📄️ useBroadcastChannel
useBroadcastChannel is a hook that allows you to use the BroadcastChannel API in your components.
📄️ useClipboard
Copy text to a user's clipboard
📄️ useCssVar
Manipulate CSS variables
📄️ useDarkMode
dark mode with auto data persistence.
📄️ useDevicePixelRatio
useDevicePixelRatio is a hook that returns the device pixel ratio of the screen.
📄️ useElementByPoint
useElementByPoint is a hook that returns the element at a given point. It is useful for implementing drag and drop, or for any other use case where you need to know what element is at a given point.
📄️ useEventSource
useEventSource is a hook that allows you to subscribe to an EventSource and receive updates in real-time.
📄️ useEyeDropper
Use EyeDropper API to pick color
📄️ useFavicon
React side-effect hook sets the favicon of the page
📄️ useFileDialog
Open file dialog with ease
📄️ useFps
React Sensor Hooks that tracks FPS (frames per second)
📄️ useFullscreen
Display an element full-screen
📄️ useGeolocation
React Sensor Hooks that tracks Geolocation
📄️ useIdle
React sensor hook that tracks if user on the page is idle
📄️ useInfiniteScroll
Infinite scrolling of the element
📄️ useKeyModifier
React Sensor Hook that tracks state of any of the supported modifiers - see Browser Compatibility notes
📄️ useLocationSelector
Selectively retrieve properties from location. This hook will only re-render when the value you return is changed.
📄️ useLongPress
React sensor hook that fires a callback after long pressing
📄️ useMediaDevices
React sensor hook that tracks connected hardware devices
📄️ useMediaQuery
Ease with media query
📄️ useMobileLandscape
React hook that returns true if the mobile device is in landscape mode and false otherwise.
📄️ useMouse
React sensor hooks that track cursor positio
📄️ useMousePressed
React Sensor Hook that tracks mouse pressing state.
📄️ useNetwork
Tracks the state of browser's network connection.
📄️ useObjectUrl
Creates an URL for the provided File, Blob, or MediaSource via URL.createObjectURL() and automatically releases the URL via URL.revokeObjectURL() when the source changes or the component is unmounted
📄️ useOnline
A wrapper of useNetwork
📄️ useOrientation
React sensor hook that tracks screen orientation of user's device.
📄️ usePageLeave
React sensor hook that tracks when mouse leaves the page
📄️ usePermission
React side-effect hook to query permission status of browser APIs
📄️ usePlatform
React hook to tracked the platform of the user.
📄️ usePreferredColorScheme
prefers-color-scheme media query
📄️ usePreferredContrast
prefers-contrast media query
📄️ usePreferredDark
React Hook that tracks dark theme preference
📄️ usePreferredLanguages
usePreferredLanguages is a hook that returns the user's preferred languages as an array of strings. It uses the navigator.languages.
📄️ useReducedMotion
React Hook that tracks motion preference
📄️ useScreenSafeArea
React sensor hook that tracks env(safe-area-inset-*)
📄️ useScriptTag
Script tag injecting
📄️ useScroll
React Sensor Hook that tracks scroll position and stat
📄️ useScrollIntoView
React sensor hook works like `element.scrollIntoView()
📄️ useScrollLock
Lock scrolling of the element
📄️ useTextDirection
change dir of the element's text
📄️ useTitle
set document title.
📄️ useWebNotification
The Web Notification interface of the Notifications API is used to configure and display desktop notifications to the user.